Concerned about stroke? A two-year study finds that vitamin E from Malaysian palm oil helps to protect brain’s white matter
The health of your brain’s white matter affects how well it learns and functions. This is also the area of
the brain most often affected by stroke. Results of a two-year human clinical study published in the
American Heart Association journal, Stroke, show that vitamin E tocotrienols derived from Malaysian
palm oil supports white matter health by weakening the progression of white matter lesions.
Stroke affects 15 million people each year. About 40 percent of those who survive will be left with moderate to severe impairments that require special care. When the brain is attacked by a stroke, cardiovascular disease or trauma, dangerously toxic substances can build up around the nerve cells. They can damage those cells or cause them to die.
Brain white matter lesions are not only linked to increased stroke risk, but they are also known to be
linked to development of other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
“These studies show that taking palm-derived tocotrienols daily may be an easy way to be proactive
about your brain health, especially if you are at high risk for stroke,” comments emergency roophysician Dr. Joseph Keenan, who is also considered one of the leading national experts in the field of nutritional supplement research and cardiovascular disease.
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