
Halal Choice: Palm

As consumer products get more “sophisticated” and have a myriad of items in their ingredients list, how sure are we that all of the ingredients stated are in fact halal? From toothpastes to bar soaps, gelatine capsules to animal feeds, mouthwash to shampoos to food emulsifiers and food ingredients, the Halal concept practised in Islam has never been more tested and stretched as it is today. We are living in a world where the sources for ingredients used in many of today’s consumer products are ambiguously disguised, driven largely by cost effectiveness and functionality. The line of difference between what is halal and what is haram is becoming thinner. Modern Muslim consumers especially need to know and understand the sources of these ingredients and thoroughly scrutinize the labeling on all consumer products they buy off the supermarket shelves. Any halal product today goes beyond the simple challenge of knowing whether or not it is made from swine or any other meat not slaughtered according to the principles of Shariah.

The oleochemicals derived from palm oil deserves a spotlight in the extended debate over what is halal and what are ambiguous ingredients. Fatty acids, from which stearic acid is derived from, as well as glycerine, are two examples of oleochemicals that can be formed as basic building blocks for food emulsifiers, food esters, cosmetics and toiletries. Oleochemicals are therefore perfect as a halal substitute and are in a good position to dispel any doubts in the constant debate of what is halal or haram in ingredients for food, cosmetics and toiletries. By making full use of Malaysia’s abundantly available and indigenous palm kernel oils, palm oil and its derivatives, the oleochemicals industry is able to produce the fatty acids and glycerines needed to ensure any ingredients are indeed wholly vegetable-based and will therefore be 100% halal.

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    29 December 2017 at 10:37

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